School Packs

These educational resources are freely available for all teachers and provide a great starting point for lesson plans, workshops or group discussions.

Click Here For The Lost Children School Packs

Key Stage Two

This pack is aimed at children in Key Stage 2. It is about the Middlemore Children’s Emigration Homes which took 6000 children to Canada in the years 1873 to 1948. These children were placed in the Homes because of their desperate family situations and in all cases the parents gave consent although they often had little choice. The children were placed with farming families in the backwoods of Canada in the period to 1935 and after that they went to Fairbridge Farm School which ran like an orphanage.

The focus is on the children’s experience , encouraging pupils to understand what they faced and how it felt.
The topic has enormous relevance and resonance with current issues of child migration.

Key Stage Three

This pack is aimed at children in Key Stage 3. It is about the Middlemore Children’s Emigration Homes which took 6000 children to Canada in the years 1873 to 1948. These children were placed in the Homes because of their desperate family situations and in all cases the parents gave consent although they often had little choice. The children were placed with farming families in the backwoods of Canada in the period to 1935 and after that they went to Fairbridge Farm School which ran like an orphanage.

The pack contains a lesson plan, background information and example source material as well as suggestions for further activities. The focus is on the question whether the emigration scheme was justifiable. There was considerable debate
about this and pupils are invited to take one side to argue the case.
The topic has enormous relevance and resonance with current issues of child migration.

Download The Lost Children School Packs Here