Other Sources of information

1.  Great Canadian Expectations by Patricia Roberts-Pichette

An Excellent Book about the Middlemoe Homes specifically

2. ancestry.co.uk Access to a host of records.

3. www.olivetreegenealogy.com

Olive Tree Genealogy has
Passenger Lists, Immigration Tips, Canada, Military, Genealogy Guide.

Canadian Genealogy:

I have a lot of interest in Canadian Genealogy (especially Ontario) and have gathered lots of free Canadian genealogy databases (Canadian Vital Stats records, free Canadian census, Canadian military records and more) to help you find your Military ancestors and Canadian family tree.

Canadian Genealogy is a complex topic so start with the Canadian province or territory of interest to you for your Canadian ancestor. Search Canadian ships passenger lists for passenger lists of ships arriving in Canadian ports. Start searching for ancestors in Canadian census records at Census Records in Ontario – What’s Available and Where to Find it

4, WW1 Military records

5. WW2 Military records www.forces-war-records.co.uk/Records

6. Fairbridge records www.fairbridgecanada.com

7. Middlemore Atlantic Society www.middlemoreatlanticsociety.com

8. Child Migrants Trust www.childmigrantstrust.com 

9. British Home Children Advocacy www.britishhomechildren.com