Middlemore Article by Christine Jackson and Patricia Roberts -Pichette, from the BIFHSGO publication, “Anglo-Celtic Roots”

Celebrating an “Invaluable Resource”— the Middlemore Project Both Patricia and Christine are long-term active members o fBIFHSGO, who have previously contributed articles to Anglo-Celtic Roots on a variety o f subjects Preface (by Christine Jackson)Many readers are aware of the sterling work done by volunteers in transcribing and indexing informa­ …

Middlemore Index

The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa have a wealth of information on their website including a WONDERFUL Index of Middlemore child migrants. From their home page the index is in the section on Research and Projects. www.bifhsgo.ca

Stories of the Lost Children

Herbert Morand The Middlemore Annual Reports include photographs of some children from 1896 onwards. One of the earliest children to feature in this way was Herbert Morand.  His father, Eugene, was French and his step-mother English. They lived at 134A Belgrave Road and there were six children in the family. …

The Lost Children Book

The Lost Children: a book by Val Hart & Rowena Lyon Is now available! All the stories and information from the popular Lost Children Exhibition in 2019 have been included, and more… Please click the button below to secure your copy now.(sent out by Post to UK, Canada, or USA)

Finding Middlemore Children: useful links

Local Genealogical Society: British Home Children – a register of all children sent to Canada https://www.britishhomechildrenregistry.com Midland Ancestors (BMSGH) https://midland-ancestors.uk/ Free Resources: Family Search https://www.familysearch.org Free BMD https://www.freebmd.org.uk Subscription Genealogy Sites: Ancestry – free to use in Birmingham and Solihull libraries https://www.ancestry.co.uk Find My Past – free to use in …

Other Information Sources

Passenger lists, & Immigration Tips www.olivetree genealogy.com WW1 Military records www.greatwar.co.uk/research/military-records/british-soldiers-ww1-service-records.htm WW2 Military records www.forces-war-records.co.uk/Records Middlemore Atlantic Society www.middlemoreatlanticsociety.com British Home Children Advocacy www.britishhomechildren.com

Visitors to the Exhibition

The exhibition has been visited by over 500 people, including many relatives and descendants of Middlemore children. There are many of these in the Birmingham area, for various reasons: Some families in desperate circumstances had to choose just some of their children to be sent to Canada while others stayed …

Talks at the exhibition

The Exhibition was given a huge boost by two visiting authors form Canada who gave talks , both of which were very well attended. Patricia Roberts-Pichette is the leading authority on the Homes and presented a viewpoint very sympathetic to the work of the Homes. Pat Skidmore is the daughter …

Exhibition Launch

The Lost Children Exhibition was Launched on Friday 13th September We were delighted to welcome The Vice Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands , Dr. Beverly Lindsay; the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Councillor Mohammed Azim; and authors, Patricia Roberts- Pichette and Pat Skidmore who flew in specially for the event.. …

Time Line

The Historical Timeline Of The Middlemore Homes Progress of the Homes Reports & Legislation 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act setting up workhouses 1850 Emigration of Children Act permitted assisted emigration of workhouse children 1869 Maria Rye’s first party to Canada including some workhouse children 1869 Canada Immigration Act required medical …

Links of Interest

Here are some Middlemore related,interesting, informative and educational links… Fairbridge Farm School Canada A story of British Home Children on Vancouver Island British Home Children in CanadaPlenty of good information on this website Middlemore Atlantic SocietyPhoto Galleries and much more… Books About MiddlemoreA fine selection of reading material

School Packs

These educational resources are freely available for all teachers and provide a great starting point for lesson plans, workshops or group discussions. Click Here For The Lost Children School Packs Key Stage Two This pack is aimed at children in Key Stage 2. It is about the Middlemore Children’s Emigration …

Other Sources of information

1.  Great Canadian Expectations by Patricia Roberts-Pichette An Excellent Book about the Middlemoe Homes specifically 2. ancestry.co.uk Access to a host of records. 3. www.olivetreegenealogy.com Olive Tree Genealogy has Passenger Lists, Immigration Tips, Canada, Military, Genealogy Guide. Canadian Genealogy: I have a lot of interest in Canadian Genealogy (especially Ontario) …